Science Links

Human Studies


Peptides Regulating Proliferative Activity and Inflammatory Pathways in the Monocyte/Macrophage THP-1 Cell Line

[The influence of AEDG and KE peptides on mitochondries stain and L7A ribosomes protein expression during human pineal gland and thymus cell senescence in vitro]

AEDG Peptide (Epitalon) Stimulates Gene Expression and Protein Synthesis during Neurogenesis: Possible Epigenetic Mechanism

Effect of short peptides on neuronal differentiation of stem cells

Identification of Peptide AEDG in the Polypeptide Complex of the Pineal Gland


Identification of the small research tetra peptide Epitalon, assumed to be a potential treatment for cancer, old age and Retinitis Pigmentosa in two illegal pharmaceutical preparations

[Functional regulation of genome with peptide bioregulators by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (by patients and relatives)]

[Peptides and CCL11 and HMGB1 as molecular markers of aging: literature review and own data]

[Genome instability in pulmonary tuberculosis before and after treatment]

Short cell-penetrating peptides: a model of interactions with gene promoter sites

[Peptide Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly and interferon gamma: their role in immune response during aging]

[Morphofunctional and molecular bases of pineal gland aging]

Penetration of short fluorescence-labeled peptides into the nucleus in HeLa cells and in vitro specific interaction of the peptides with deoxyribooligonucleotides and DNA

[Characteristics of the pineal gland and thymus relationship in aging]

Biological stability evaluation of the α2β1 receptor imaging agents: diamsar and DOTA conjugated DGEA peptide

[Influence of peptides from pineal gland on thymus function at aging]

[The use of peptide bioregulators for cancer prevention: results of 35 years of research experience and perspectives]

[Biological activity of regulatory peptides in model experiments in vitro]

[Normalizing effect of the pineal gland peptides on the daily melatonin rhythm in old monkeys and elderly people]

Anti-aging peptide bioregulators induce reactivation of chromatin

Pineal peptides restore the age-related disturbances in hormonal functions of the pineal gland and the pancreas

Peptide promotes overcoming of the division limit in human somatic cell

Expression of argyrophilic proteins in the nucleolar organizer regions of human thymocytes and thymic epitheliocytes under conditions of coculturing with vilon and epithalon peptides

Elucidation of the effect of brain cortex tetrapeptide Cortagen on gene expression in mouse heart by microarray

Peptide Epitalon activates chromatin at the old age

[Effect of new peptide bioregulators livagen and epitalon on enkephalin-degrading enzymes in human serum]

Epithalon peptide induces telomerase activity and telomere elongation in human somatic cells

Effects of peptides on proliferative activity of retinal and pigmented epithelial cells

Retinoprotective effect of Epithalon in campbell rats of various ages

The role of pineal gland in breast cancer development

Peptides and Ageing

Pineal-regulating tetrapeptide epitalon improves eye retina condition in retinitis pigmentosa


Non-Human Studies

Epitalon protects against post-ovulatory aging-related damage of mouse oocytes in vitro

Peptides (Epigenetic Regulators) in the Structure of Rodents with a Long and Short Lifespan

Short Exogenous Peptides Regulate Expression of CLE, KNOX1, and GRF Family Genes in Nicotiana tabacum

Peptide Regulation of Skin Fibroblast Functions during Their Aging In Vitro

Effects of Geroprotectors on Age-Related Changes in Proteolytic Digestive Enzyme Activities at Different Lighting Conditions

[Main mechanisms of rhabdomyolysis-caused kidney injury and their correction by organospecific peptides]

[Short peptides stimulate skin cell regeneration during ageing]

Effect of peptides Lys-Glu-Asp-Gly and Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly on the morphology of the thymus in hypophysectomized young and old birds

[Protective effect of melatonin and epithalon on hypothalamic regulation of reproduction in female rats in its premature aging model and on estrous cycles in senescent animals in various lighting regimes]

Melatonin and pineal gland peptides are able to correct the impairment of reproductive cycles in rats

Molecular cellular mechanisms of peptide regulation of melatonin synthesis in pinealocyte culture

Effect of short peptides on expression of signaling molecules in organotypic pineal cell culture

Peptidegic stimulation of differentiation of pineal immune cells

Effects of peptides Lys-Glu-Asp-Gly and Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly on hormonal activity and structure of the thyroid gland in hypophysectomized young chickens and old hens

[Effects of Lys-Glu-Asp-Gly and Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly peptides on hormonal activity and thyroid morphology in hypophysectomized mature and old birds]

[Effects of hypophyseal Lys-Glu-Asp-Gly and Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly synthetic peptides on immunity, hemostasis, morphology and functions of the thyroid gland in neonatally hypophysectomized chicken and one-year-old birds]

Melting of DNA double strand after binding to geroprotective tetrapeptide

[Effect of preparations melatonin and epitalon on the age-related dynamics of thyrotrophic activity of the hypophysis and thyroid gland function in different light regimes]

Geroprotective effect of ala-glu-asp-gly peptide in male rats exposed to different illumination regimens

Effect of tetrapeptides Lys-Glu-Asp-Gly and Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly on the structure and function of the thyroid gland in neonatally hypophysectomized chickens

Effect of Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly peptide on life span and development of spontaneous tumors in female rats exposed to different illumination regimes

[Investigation of antihypoxic properties of short peptides]

[The effect of pineal peptide preparations on proliferative activity in organotypic culture of the preoptic hypothalamus area]

[Circannual rhythms of bone marrow cell composition in animals during aging: the role of pineal factors]

[Effect of pineal gland peptides on morphofunctional structure of the pancreas in ageing]

Comparative analysis of the expression of c-Fos and interleukin-2 proteins in hypothalamus cells during various treatments

Effects of bioactive tetrapeptides on free-radical processes

[The influence of melatonin and epithalon on blood leukocyte count and leukocyte alkaline phosphatase in rats under different lighting conditions during ontogenesis]

[The influences of geroprotectors on age-related changes of antioxidant system in rats liver under different light condition]

[Effects of epithalon and cortagene on immunity and hemostasis in neonatally hypophysectomized chicken and old birds]

[Age-related changes of exercise capacity and some biochemical indices of rat muscles under influence of different light conditions and pineal preparations]

Effects of intranasal administration of epitalon on neuron activity in the rat neocortex

[Parallel analysis of c-Fos protein and interleukin-2 expression in hypothalamic cells under different influence]

Antioxidant properties of geroprotective peptides of the pineal gland

[Intranasal epitalon infusion modulates neuronal activity in the rat neocortex]

[Comparative study of the effects of melatonin and epitalon on the protracted memory under the shuttle labyrinth test conditions in rats in the course of aging]

[Effect of age, different light conditions, melatonin, and epitalon on lysosomal proteinase activity in the liver and kidneys of rats]

[Influence of light regimens, melatonin, and epitalon on amylase activity in the pancreas and small intestine in rats of different age]

Interleukin-2 concentration in hypothalamic structures of rats receiving peptides during mild stress

[Effects of melatonin and epitalone on antioxidant system of rats depends on light conditions]

Effect of the synthetic pineal peptide epitalon on spontaneous carcinogenesis in female C3H/He mice

Fluorescent microscopic study of epithalon binding in maternal and fetal rabbit tissues in health and under conditions of placental insufficiency

DNA double-helix binds regulatory peptides similarly to transcription factors

[Rhythm of protein synthesis in cultures of hepatocytes from rats of different ages. Norm and effect of the peptide livagen]

[Effect of epitalon and melatonin on life span and spontaneous carcinogenesis in senescence accelerated mice (SAM)]

Effect of melatonin and tetrapeptide on gene expression in mouse brain

[The influence of substances revealing geroprotective of spontaneous carcinogenesis in mice]

Peptide correction of age-related hormonal dysfunction of the pancreas in monkeys

Stressors and antistressors: how do they influence life span in HER-2/neu transgenic mice?

[Effect of epitalon on the immunity and hemostasis in hypophysectomized chicken and old hens]

Effects of bioactive factors of the pineal gland on thymus function and cell composition of the bone marrow and spleen in mice of different age

[Peptide correction of age-related pineal disturbances in monkeys]

[Regulating effect of pineal gland peptides on development of T-lymphocytes in CBA aging mice: role of microenvironment of immune system organs and neuroendocrine factors]

Effect of regulatory peptides on gene transcription

Epitalon and colon carcinogenesis in rats: proliferative activity and apoptosis in colon tumors and mucosa

[The study of the role of the water medium in the mechanism of action of peptides in low and ultra low doses]

Effect of a synthetic pineal tetrapeptide (Ala-Glu-Asp-GLy) on melatonin secretion by the pineal gland of young and old rats

Effect of vilon and epithalon on activity of enzymes in epithelial and subepithelial layers in small intestine of old rats

Epitalon influences pineal secretion in stress-exposed rats in the daytime

Effect of epitalon on interleukin-1beta signal transduction and the reaction of thymocyte blast transformation under stress

Effects of pineal-gland peptides on the electric activity of pinealocytes in rats

Epithalon decelerates aging and suppresses development of breast adenocarcinomas in transgenic her-2/neu mice

In vitro effect of short peptides on expression of interleukin-2 gene in splenocytes

Epithalon inhibits tumor growth and expression of HER-2/neu oncogene in breast tumors in transgenic mice characterized by accelerated aging

Effects of short peptides on thymocyte blast transformation and signal transduction along the sphingomyelin pathway

Effect of Vilon and Epithalon on glucose and glycine absorption in various regions of small intestine in aged rats

Studies of the effects of Vilon and Epithalon on gene expression in mouse heart using DNA-microarray technology

Effects of epithalon on activities gastrointestinal enzymes in young and old rats

Effect of epithalon on the incidence of chromosome aberrations in senescence-accelerated mice

Inhibitory effect of the peptide epitalon on the development of spontaneous mammary tumors in HER-2/neu transgenic mice

Effect of epithalon on age-specific changes in the retina in rats with hereditary pigmentary dystrophy

[Effect of Epitalon and Vilon treatment on mammary carcinogenesis in transgenic erbB-2/NEU mice]

[Tissue-specific action of peptides in tissue culture of rats of various ages]

[Aging of the pineal gland]

Inhibitory effect of peptide Epitalon on colon carcinogenesis induced by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine in rats

Modulating effects of epithalamin and epithalon on the functional morphology of the spleen in old pinealectomized rats

[Effect of vilon and epithalone on induction and growth of induced bladder neoplasms in rats]

[Effect of epithalone on growth kinetics and functional morphology of M-1 sarcoma]

Effects of peptides on generation of reactive oxygen species in subcellular fractions of Drosophila melanogaster

Regulatory effect of Epithalon on production of melatonin and cortisol in old monkeys

Synthetic tetrapeptide epitalon restores disturbed neuroendocrine regulation in senescent monkeys

[Effect of pineal peptides on neuroendocrine system after pinealectomy]

Immunohistochemical and morphometric analysis of effects of vilon and epithalon on functional morphology of radiosensitive organs

Reparative effect of epithalon on pineal gland ultrastructure in gamma-irradiated rats

Peptide bioregulators inhibit apoptosis

Regulating effect of epithalone on gastric endocrine cells in pinealectomized rats

[Effect of pineal peptide on parameters of the biological age and life span in mice]

Effect of epithalone on the age-specific changes in the time course of lipid peroxidation in Drosophila melanogaster

Effect of the Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly peptide on lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster

Effect of epitalon on the lifespan increase in Drosophila melanogaster